Vintage Park 4x12" basketweave cabinet (by Marshall) from 1971-72

Celestion 'Celestion Greenback' G12H (75 hz) model T1217 with 'Pulsonic-cone' - datecode: HE = August 1972:

Celestion 'Celestion Greenback' G12H (75 hz) model T1217 with 'Pulsonic-cone' - datecode: DD = April 1971:

Celestion 'Celestion Greenback' G12H (75 hz) model T1217 with 'Pulsonic-cone' - datecode: HE = August 1972:

Celestion 'Celestion Greenback' G12H (75 hz) model T1217 with 'Pulsonic-cone' - datecode: HE = August 1972: